General Assembily


What2Pack is a mobile application that enables outdoor enthusiasts to easily create packing lists based on their gear closet inventory.

This was the final project for General Assembly’s intensive design course.

UX Design and Research


10 Days

User Research

User Persona

How does Jeff Pack today?

Jeff currently collaborates packing lists with his party via Google Docs. He has several short-day hike packing lists on his Android device. He has glacier climbing lists in Word docs on his home computer. He also has an alpine climbing pdf somewhere that he can’t quite remember.

More User Highlights

“Mostly, I use OneDrive or Excel Sheets - I like that they are transferable”

“As someone who hardly ever goes camping, it would be helpful if someone gave me a packing list”

“Before hiking the PCT I read "50 Stories". Each story included the hiker's gear list which I copied.”

”One of the first things I do when I know I am going on a hike is to ask my friends what they are bringing. “

“I have a gear closet with all my gear. I stand back and look at everything and start pulling down everything I need and laying it on my bed. ”

Problem Statement

Jeff the outdoor enthusiast needs a way to easily create, store, and share his packing list.

He hikes and climbs often and needs to be able to have his packing lists as checklists so he can pack quickly and efficiently so as not to forget anything. Additionally, he wants to be able to share his packing list with other people in his party so that people don’t bring duplicate items and add unnecessary weight.

Prototype & Test

Ideation, User Story, & Paper Prototype

Ideation - What are all of the possible pieces of information that this application could display?

Paper Prototype - These are just a few of the screens that were used for paper prototype testing.

User Story - How Jeff created a new pack based off an old one and shared it with a friend.

Usability Testing


You have created an account with What2pack online and now you have decided to add the app to your phone. Please login as a returning user.


Your friend has asked you what the name of your 4-person tent is. Please open up your gear closet and find your 4-person tent so you can tell your friend the name.


You and your family are planning a camping trip to Lake Chelan. Please create a pack and add the first item to your pack.

Final Result

As a result of this experience, I learned that testing early and often is very important when designing a new application. User interviews, testing paper prototypes, and task scenarios proved invaluable for my project. It took the guesswork out and allowed me to really build for the user, which is of course, the end goal!

Major Takeaways